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CA Foundation New Syllabus Quantitative Aptitude Regular Batch By Prof. Anurag Gupta


Course Info

    Faculty Name :

Prof. Anurag Gupta

    Course Level CA Foundation
    Total Views 1.5 – 2 Views
    Video Language Hinglish
    Relevant Attempt June 25 & Onwards
    Batch Recording Latest Recording
    Study Material All Relevant Materials
    Runs On Laptop , Desktop , Android
    Doubt Solving WhatsApp/Telegram
    System Requirement Windows 7 & Above/ Android Mobiles
    Processing Time 24-48 Hours
    Delivery Time 7-10 days

Course Description

Total No. of Lectures 100

Total No. of Hours 140 hours

No of Modules – 2


For More Details & Offers Whatsapp 6200409787

About Faculty

“Mathematics is not a subject of kings, it is king of subjects”
With the above as a motto, my motive is to make the subject more interesting
and easy at the same time for the student. Through an experience of teaching
over 1,25,000 students over the last 29 years, I have realized that a student is
afraid of the subject mathematics and many a times it is the reason for his
failure or low grades. Keeping in mind this problem I have devised ways that
help students to pass this biggest hurdle with 100% result.
I began my career as an educator in 1993 from my house and teaching
mathematics is not just a bread earning source for me, instead it has been a
platform through which I have helped hundreds and thousands of students to
realize the importance of the subject not just academically but also in practical
Educational Qualifications:
 M.Sc. Mathematics – Punjab University
 B.Sc. (Hons) Mathematics – Panjab University
 B. Ed. – Jamia Milia University
Work Experience:
1996-2002: PGT Lecturer at PML SD Public School, Chandigarh.
2003-2008: PGT Mathematics at AKSIPS School, Chandigarh.
2009 & till date:
 Faculty at IQ-ATC, Chandigarh, for Mathematics – Class +1, +2 and CA
Foundation Paper 3 – Business Mathematics, Logical Reasoning and
 Faculty at One Prep for CA Foundation paper 3 – Business
Mathematics, Logical Reasoning and Statistics.
 Co- Founder and Business Development Head at IQ Education
Worldwide, an Ed-tech startup in Commerce field education sector.


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